
Donate online now! 

Also feel free to mail a check to:
Ballard Education Foundation
P.O. Box 272
Huxley, IA 50124

The Ballard Education Foundation is an exempt organization as described in section 501(c)(3) by the Internal Revenue Code.

The Foundation has partnered with Story County Community Foundation to make giving to a permanent endowment even more rewarding. Your gift creates lasting change in the community, and the Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program offers you generous tax incentives to make it easier for you to give more for less. Those who give to a permanently endowed fund at a qualified community foundation or affiliate organization, including Story County Community Foundation, are eligible to receive 25% tax credits for their gifts. Community members who give also are able to take advantage of the federal tax deductions along with the Endow Iowa tax credits.

Tax credits are offered on a first come, first serve basis, with approximately $6 million available annually statewide. The Endow Iowa tax credits can be claimed by individuals, businesses or financial institutions.

To donate to the Ballard Education Foundation Endowment, write a check made out to Story County Community Foundation with memo “Ballard Education Foundation Endowment” and mail to:
Story County Community Foundation
416 Douglas, Suite 202 P.O. Box 1666
Ames, IA 50010

Thank you!